Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I needed something to call it, and due to my utter lack of creativity, I’m sticking with BLOG except now, it’s capitalized which makes it different and much less mainstream.
As you can see I’m really shying away from this being one of those super boring blogs that acquire a sort of cult following because it only appeals to .03% of the human population. I’m doing big things here… I strive to hit at least .05% so I’m going the mainstream-hipster route (it’s a blog: mainstream, but it’s actually an acronym: obnoxious, against-the-grain, hipster-type stuff). Also, journal is spelt with a “g”. COME AT ME SNIGDHA NANDIPATI.   
Since I'm in an explain myself kind of mood, I might as well make sure all of y'all caught on to my super clever title that I'm probably going to decide I hate in about a week. It's a clever play on that stupid Mother Goose poem, except I'm a young woman, and Italy is shaped like a boot not a shoe. See what I did there?  
That's pretty much it for this update. Good talk. Kbai. 

p.s. in case you missed it, I discovered how to post appropriate links inside my witty comments. Deal with it.

**edit: my title used to be "the young woman who lived in a boot" ... hence the mother goose reference, but as I clearly predicted above, I quickly became bored and annoyed with my sad attempt at wit, so I chose to show off my multi-lingual skillz by giving it an Italian title. I'm not going to translate it though... you're clearly on the internet. You can figure it out all by yourself... but don't trust those stupid translator sites because they're computers and they make it sound like I don't speak a word of Italian. I actually speak at least 32 words so... I've got that going for me...   

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